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 We provide several courses to earn different categories in various marketplace known as freelancing as well as outsourcing.          Apply Link: Google form We provide courses :       1.   Digital Marketing / Social Media Marketing      2.   Video Editing      3.   Graphics Design      4.   Web  Design and Development       5.   Search Engine Optimization (SEO)      6.   Website Income & Marketing       7.   E-commerce Website       8.   Affiliate Marketing       9.  WordPress Theme Customization      10.  Basic Computer (MS Word, Power point, Excel, software install, crack software)      11.   Android App development  (Recorded Class)      12.   ASP. NET  (Recorded C...
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Pacific Outsourcing Institute (POI)

"Pacific Outsourcing Institute (POI)" is one of the most renowned outsourcing platform to learn various freelancing courses with proper guideline in a very cheap rate. Every month start new batches for trained up in different categories. To complete this course everyone is able to work in marketplace or outside market place, onside job or remote job.  Apply Link :  Google form Not only they earn in only the marketplace but also they build up their career as a founder of leading company and grow their business over the world by connecting buyers. The experience gather the business idea to lead.  The fee of all courses are not equal but depends on specific or combined.       1. Digital Marketing + Graphics design  --------------------------- 7,000/=      2.   Video Editing +   Graphics design --------------------------------10,000/=      3.   Graphics Design   ----------------------------...

Content Creation

  YouTube :            Nadim hasrub : Based in YouTube, Facebook, website earning process and Problem solving in different parts of using   application in pc.           Premiere Nadim : Mainly in video editing purpose Adobe Premiere pro, Adobe After effect and also              for graphics design using Adobe photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.  Tutorial base.           Pacific Outsourcing Institute : Income process of Digital Marketing like YouTube Marketing,                        Facebook Marketing, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, tiktok.  Also the video editing for content creator and freelancer learning Adobe Premiere pro, Adobe After              effect, Camtasia, Wondershare Filmora, Vsdc for windows users and ...

Affiliate Marketing

  Affiliate Marketing is one of the popular website base marketing system that does not have any product in storage to sell by the customers.  There is invest any kind of money but need good idea. 

Web Design And Development

  By increasing viewers and showing advertisement income process is getting high. Visitors search the requirement data on google and visit the website for requirement purpose then google show ads for visitors and pay the owner of the website by google AdSense. Several way to earn from website by selling product, promoting, Affiliate Marketing, E-commerce, advertising. Website Earning Blogger  Blogger is the only popular website builder to create website without any cost by domain and hosting rather than generate dollar by google AdSense and convert it to the premium domain-hosting such as com, blog, org and many more as the site builder want. There are a lot of free themes and any one can buy if one can want as his requirement.  The Earning process of the blogger website is very attractive and very simple. If anyone know how to customize theme or post it is easy to customize by HTML coding as the site builder demand.   WordPress  WordPress is one of th...

E-commerce Website

  The transection of E-commerce website is million million dollar and now a days the popularity of E-commerce site is increasing day by day. The world famous E-commerce website is Amazon, Alibaba, Ali-Express, daraz, rokomari, Evally and so many more in Bangladesh and over the world.  To create a website sell product, services or idea but in E-commerce website only sell different categories of products both men and women. All the daily necessary goods are in here. Every moment a lot of employee get ready the product to deliver and shipping process maintain the other team then the product arrived to the customers hand.  The two way to sell product by E-commerce website. Firstly, sell the own product by creating a website. Secondly, sell the other's product/idea by creating a platform as like daraz in our country.